PEI 11 - The Dinner Quest

Day 7
Monday, July 25, 2016 (continued)

When we arrived back in PEI in the early afternoon we lingered in Souris. It’s a small town and, after buying some seaglass earrings at one of several shops selling seaglass jewelry, we had pretty much seen the sights.

Then it was time to get dinner.  We found a good-sized grocery store right on the main street.

We try to have a pretty good idea of what we want before going food shopping. Once inside we discuss each potential purchase. Is it too heavy? Too expensive? Do we have the room for it? Will we be able to eat it before it goes bad? We keep our eyes open for anything unexpected and wonderful.

I wanted carrots but we didn't have room for a 2-lb. or even a 1-lb. bag, which was also too heavy. Then we found carrots in small bunches and they felt firm. Perfect. We picked up a package of wraps for sandwiches, a can of tuna and a couple packs of ramen noodles for dinner backup. In the bakery section Rob wanted to buy one of everything. I said no. Strawberries were $2.98 - fresh and local. Perfect. We replenished our breakfast food with oatmeal and slivered almonds, but had to pass on raisins because they only came packaged in those little boxes.

Then we looked for dinner. We were on a hunt for ravioli. Rob loves ravioli. But it would have to be the fresh kind, just enough for one meal. And without sauce because we can't refrigerate what's left. We could have ravioli with a little olive oil. (We packed a small container of it.) The store didn't have any fresh ravioli. But there was another grocery store down the road. 

When we got to the second store, a man outside said, "They have your ravioli. It's in the case by the produce section." Wait a minute, where did that come from? Rob said he was in the other store and must have heard us asking for it. Rob stayed with the bikes while I went inside. I asked a clerk, “Do you have fresh ravioli?”

She said no but I persisted.  That nice man wouldn’t have steered us wrong. “Where's your fresh spaghetti?”

And I found it, near the produce just like the man said, sundried tomato and cheese ravioli. I bought two packages. 

After setting up camp we relaxed with fresh carrots and tea. Then dinner of ravioli, slices of red pepper (bought last night), and strawberries, every bit as delicious as we'd hoped.
We arrived at Red Point Provincial Park with lots of time to relax.

The view from our dining table. After dinner we went for a walk on the beach. We remembered camping here with our kids the summer of 2009.

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